10 Oct How To Increase Your Chances of Approval When You Are Applying For PR
Singapore has become one of the most sought-after cities in the South East Asia. The number of immigrants who enter this country increases every year. There are several reasons for the rise in the number of individuals who want to work and live in Singapore. One of which is its booming economy where there is a job opportunity for almost everyone. Workers in the country are also paid well and they enjoy a long list of benefits.
Aside from this, aliens who become permanent residents can get tons of advantages not only for themselves but also for their family members. A great example is preference or priority in the public school educational system of Singapore for their children. They can also fly in and out of the country without the need of securing a visa every time they do it. This alone saves them so much time and money.
If you are a foreigner who wants to reside in the country, one of the things that you need to look into consideration is the process of how to apply pr. The Immigration and Checkpoint Authority is the government body that has the authority to issue blue pass to immigrants who want to acquire permanent resident status. Unfortunately, there is a low approval rate for the applications. Hence, you really need to work hard so that you will receive a grant from the ICA.
First of all, it pays good to be prepared all the time. Make sure that you book early at the online page of the ICA. Secure an online appointment so that when you go to the office, you will already enjoy a priority. Before your scheduled appointment, always remember to gather all the documents and requirements that will be asked by the ICA agent. As a requirement, all papers submitted to the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority must be in the English language. If the original document is not in the said language, an English translation is necessary.
Second, exert some efforts for your interview. An interview with an ICA agent is mandatory before the issuance of a blue pass. The agent will ask you many questions about yourself, why you apply Singapore PR and other facts that may involve the country. This is why you have to conduct a research before going to the interview. Most importantly, be honest in answering the questions. One wrong move can cause you your dream of living permanently in the country.
Third, you may want to consider contacting a professional who can help you during the process. In the country of Singapore, there are several firms that specialize in providing diverse programs or services to immigrants like you. These firms can assign one expert to handle your case. The expert will not only help you in the application but can even increase the chances of approval. Just make sure that you know how to search or find a reliable company in Singapore.
Over all, the point is that you need to be prepared before filing an application for a PR status. Do not rush the process because it really takes time. All you have to do is to comply with the requirements and wait for the message from the ICA.